Liquid Zinc Fertilizer

     Liquid zinc fertilizer is a type of fertilizer that contains zinc in a liquid form, making it easier for plants to absorb compared to solid zinc fertilizers. Zinc is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development, playing a role in enzyme activation, protein synthesis, and growth regulation. 

     There are several advantages of using liquid zinc fertilizer in agriculture and plant care: 

     Rapid Absorption: Liquid zinc fertilizers are quickly absorbed by plants through the roots or foliage, providing an immediate source of zinc for growth and development. 

     Efficient Nutrient Delivery: The liquid form of zinc fertilizer ensures thorough coverage and distribution, maximizing the availability of zinc to plants and reducing the risk of nutrient wastage. 

     Customizable Application: Liquid zinc fertilizers can be easily applied through irrigation systems, foliar sprays, or soil drenching, allowing for tailored application methods to meet specific plant needs. 

     Reduced Risk of Nutrient Lockup: Liquid zinc fertilizers are less prone to binding with soil particles, ensuring that zinc remains available for plant uptake and minimizing the risk of nutrient deficiencies. 

     Improved Plant Health: Zinc is essential for various metabolic processes in plants, and a sufficient supply of zinc through liquid fertilizers promotes healthy growth, strong root development, and overall plant vigor. 

     Enhanced Crop Yields: By addressing zinc deficiencies and supporting optimal plant growth, liquid zinc fertilizers can contribute to increased crop yields and improved quality of fruits, vegetables, and grains. 

     Compatibility with Other Nutrients: Liquid zinc fertilizers can be easily mixed with other fertilizers and nutrients, allowing for customized nutrient blends to address multiple deficiencies or optimize plant nutrition. 

     Cost-Effective: While initial costs may be higher than solid zinc fertilizers, the effectiveness and efficiency of liquid formulations often result in cost savings over time due to improved plant uptake and reduced application frequency. 

     In summary, the advantages of using liquid zinc fertilizers include rapid absorption, efficient nutrient delivery, customizable application methods, improved plant health, enhanced crop yields, compatibility with other nutrients, and overall cost-effectiveness. These benefits make liquid zinc fertilizers a valuable tool for promoting healthy plant growth and maximizing agricultural productivity.

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Product Details


     Liquid zinc fertilizers are a specialized type of fertilizer that contains zinc in a liquid form, making it easier for plants to absorb compared to solid zinc fertilizers. Zinc is a crucial micronutrient for plants, playing a key role in various physiological processes such as enzyme activation, protein synthesis, and growth regulation. A deficiency in zinc can lead to stunted growth, reduced crop yields, and poor plant health.

     Liquid zinc fertilizers typically contain zinc in the form of zinc sulfate, zinc chelates, or other zinc compounds that are soluble in water. These formulations ensure that the zinc is readily available for plant uptake, promoting quick and efficient absorption by the roots or foliage.

     When using liquid zinc fertilizers, it's important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for application rates, timing, and methods. Liquid zinc fertilizers can be applied through irrigation systems (fertigation), foliar sprays, or soil drenching, allowing for targeted delivery of zinc to the plants where it is needed most.

     Benefits of using liquid zinc fertilizer include rapid absorption, efficient nutrient delivery, customizable application methods, improved plant health, enhanced crop yields, compatibility with other nutrients, and cost-effectiveness in the long run.

Before applying liquid zinc fertilizer, it's recommended to conduct a soil test to determine the zinc levels in the soil and the specific needs of the plants. This will help ensure that the application of zinc fertilizer is appropriate and effective in addressing any existing deficiencies.

     Overall, liquid zinc fertilizers are a valuable tool for growers looking to optimize plant nutrition, prevent zinc deficiencies, and promote healthy plant growth and development. Their liquid form ensures easy application and efficient uptake by plants, making them an essential component of a well-rounded fertilization program.

Liquid Zinc Fertilizer.jpgLiquid Zinc Fertilizer




Total humic Acids

(as dry basis)

50% min

Fulvic acid content

(as dry basis)

45% min

Chelated Zinc(dry basis)

4.5% min

PH value


Water Solubility




     1KG 10KG, 25KG package,and customer designated packing is available.
     Product should store at a cool, dry and well-ventilated environment.

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