Lawn Fertilizer Companies


1.Improves soil structure

2.Enhances nutrient availability:

3.Stimulates plant growth

4.Enhances plant stress tolerance.

5.Improves soil microbial activity

6.Reduces chemical fertilizer use

7.Environmentally friendly

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Product Details


Humic acid fertiliser is a natural soil amendment derived from humus such as lignite and windswept coal, peat and other organic matter-rich sediments. It is an important component of humus, an organic substance in the soil that has a major impact on soil health and fertility.

Lawn Fertilizer Companies

Lawn Fertilizer Companies




Humic acid content

(as dry basis)

70% min

Organic matter

(as dry basis)

85% min

PH value



25% max


Products Advantages

1.Humic acid can improve soil structure by increasing soil aggregation, improving soil water and nutrient holding capacity, and reducing soil erosion.

2.Humic acid can enhance the availability of nutrients in the soil, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, by chelating them and making them more accessible to plants.

3.Humic acid can stimulate plant growth by increasing the activity of enzymes and hormones in plants, improving photosynthesis, and enhancing root development.

4.Humic acid can enhance plant stress tolerance by improving water use efficiency, reducing oxidative stress, and enhancing the plant’s ability to withstand environmental stresses such as drought, heat, and salinity.

5.Humic acid can improve soil microbial activity by providing a food source for beneficial microorganisms, which in turn can improve soil health and fertility.

6.Humic acid can reduce the need for chemical fertilizers by improving nutrient availability and reducing nutrient loss from the soil.

7.Humic acid is a natural and environmentally friendly fertilizer that does not produce harmful residues or cause pollution.

Company Profile

1. Concentrated Specialized Professional

2. Do a good job of mineral humic acid

3. Meticulous Intensive Elaborate

4. Service agricultural production

5. Master high-quality mineral humic acid resources and strive tobuild up high-quality supplier for humic acid products all over the world.


Humic acid is commonly used in agriculture as a soil conditioner and is available in different forms, such as granules, powder, and liquid formulations. It is often combined with fertilizers to enhance their effectiveness and decrease nutrient loss from leaching.


Available in 1kg,5kg,10 kg, 20kg,25 kg, or 1-ton packages, as well as custom-specified packages. Store the products in a cool, dry, and well-ventilated environment.


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