High Quality Humic Acid For Sale

Humic acid granular has several advantages, including:

  1. Improving soil structure: Humic acid helps to improve soil structure by increasing soil stability, adding organic matter, and enhancing water retention.

  2. Enhancing nutrient uptake: It chelates essential nutrients in the soil, making them more available to plants for uptake. This can lead to improved plant growth and overall health.

  3. Stimulating microbial activity: Humic acid granular can promote the growth of beneficial soil microorganisms, which play a key role in nutrient cycling and plant health.

  4. Increasing cation exchange capacity: It helps to increase the soil's cation exchange capacity, which impacts the soil's ability to retain and supply essential nutrients to plants.

  5. Reducing soil erosion: By improving soil structure and stability, humic acid granular can help reduce soil erosion, especially in areas prone to erosion.

Overall, humic acid granular can provide numerous benefits for soil health, plant growth, and environmental sustainability when used in conjunction with good agricultural practices.

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Product Details


humic acid is a valuable natural compound that plays a crucial role in improving soil fertility, enhancing plant growth, and promoting overall soil health. Its application in agriculture, horticulture, and environmental restoration has numerous benefits and can lead to higher crop yields, healthier plants, and improved soil quality.

The main function of humic acid is to improve soil quality and enhance plant growth. Here are some key functions of humic acid:

Nutrient Chelation: Humic acid forms complexes with nutrients, making them more available for plant uptake. It acts as a chelating agent, binding to essential elements like nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and micronutrients, and preventing them from leaching out of the soil.

Soil Conditioning: Humic acid improves soil structure by enhancing its ability to hold onto both water and air. It helps to prevent soil compaction, improves water infiltration and retention, and promotes aeration of the soil.

Stimulating Microbial Activity: Humic acid provides an ideal environment for beneficial soil microorganisms to thrive. It stimulates the growth and activity of bacteria, fungi, and other soil organisms, which are essential for nutrient cycling and soil health.

 High Quality Humic Acid For Sale.jpgHigh Quality Humic Acid For Sale.jpg



Black Granular

humic acid content

(as dry basis)

40% min

Organic matter

(as dry basis)

80% min

PH value



25% max




Agriculture: Humic acid is widely used in agriculture as a soil conditioner and plant nutrient supplement. It is applied to enhance soil quality, increase nutrient availability, and promote plant growth.

Horticulture: Humic acid can be used in gardening and landscaping to improve soil fertility and promote healthy plant growth. It can be applied to lawns, gardens, and potted plants to enhance nutrient absorption and improve overall plant health.

Environmental Restoration: Humic acid is also used in the restoration of degraded soils or contaminated sites. Its application can help to remediate the soil, restore its fertility, and promote the growth of vegetation.


750kg-1500KG/Hectare, could be use with NPK together

Also please consider local soil, weather condition and irrigation method, and take reasonable suggestion from local agronomist.


25KG, 50KG package, or 1 ton package and customer designated packing is available.
Product should store at a cool, dry and well-ventilated environment.

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